Our service
위브링이 제공하는 특별한 서비스
중고차 구독
Car Subscription
공항 픽업 서비스 / 기사의전 서비스
Aiport Pick-up Service & Tour with driver
단기 대여
Short-term Car Rental
중고차 매매
Purchase Used-car
Multiple Languages Service Available
Online document submission& examination
Monthly payment through card registration
Are you having trouble renting a car due to your foreign status?
외국인이라는 이유로 차량이용 어려우신가요?
Limitation of financial services
금융서비스 제약
Complex document preparation & examination
복잡한 서류준비 및 심사
Absence of language Services
언어 서비스의 부재
No need to visit us.
Plenty of time is saved
through online screening!
Enjoy your drive with
Webring Service!
현대 아반떼 $450/month
현대 싼타페 $900/month
현대 쏘나타 $500/month
All of our customers who used our service say
- are satisfied by simple car rent service
- Quick rents through simplified document subimssion and screening.
- Custom rental dates available
- Debit cards allowed for monthly payments
Canadian worker of Pos**
who lived in Korea for 2 years
“It’s greatly convenient when renting a car because the standards are simplified.”
Russian worker who lived in Korea
for 6 months
“It is just so convenient as everything is done online”
Worker of a Korean corporation who lived in Korea for a year.
“Highly recommended! It gives clear guide to any accidents and maintenance without burden.”
English teacher who lived in Korea for 5 years
“It is easy to use because of monthly auto payment and flexible usage period”
We offer premium one-stop rent service specialized for foreigners.
Although we do our best to provide your desired vehicle through our expert assistance,
vehicle’s availability may be limited in certain circumstances.